Workie Ticket Theatre featured on BBC Radio 4
Listen to our Artistic Director JoJo Kirtley talking about the work we do and our recent funding from Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Kim McGuiness - and our Associate Ashlea Sanderson performing an extract from our current project WALK THE LINE...

Workie Ticket WIN National Award
Community & Heritage Winners 2022 - Overall Award and Wellbeing Award for Womxn Up?
We are delighted to announce that Workie Ticket Theatre have won the Community Archive & Heritage group award 2022 for Wellbeing AND the Overall award for our 'Womxn Up?' Podcast & 'Her Primal Scream' film. We are so honoured to have even been shortlisted and over the moon to have won TWO awards.
Unfortunately, we couldn't make the awards ceremony in Galway but on 19 January 2023, Audrey from the Community Archive & Heritage Group team presented us with the award at The Common Room in Central Newcastle.
Thank you so much to the Library & Archives Manager, Jen for showing us around your beautiful space.
If you haven't listened to our podcast or watched our film...please check them out HERE!
Thank you to our funders #HeritageFund & #ComicRelief

Walk The Line
Workie Ticket is Five!
We celebrated our achievements over the past five years...
Workie Ticket Theatre celebrated our fifth birthday with a wonderful party featuring Comedian Kelly Rickard and live music from Millennium Bug!
It was an incredibly special moment for us as an organisation and we were delighted to celebrate our achievements with our Workie Ticket friends and family. Here is to the next five...!